Virtual Events & Courses
at Raj Yoga
We have Daily Kundalini Yoga Classes
Introduction to Numerology & The Ten Bodies
A 10 Week Akara Numerology Course with Avtar Khalsa.
Are you ready to discover your life’s purpose, who you are, and activate your fullest potential? If you answered YES! This course is for you!
The start day is
Thursday, Jan. 6, 2022 - until March 10th
We meet every Thursday
What time?
7 pm - 9 pm EST
Virtual - Via Zoom
Sacred Womb Awakening
A 12-week Certification Course with Jaye Anne Healing and Rev. NamShakti
Awaken your Sacred Womb, Divine Feminine Medicine and reclaim your Sovereignty
Every Thursday, January 13th, 2022 - March 31st
Via Zoom
9 pm - 11 pm EST
21 Stages of Meditation
Explore The 21 Stages of Meditation and deepen your contemplative capacity in a community of practitioners.
The 21 Stages of meditation gives you tools and experiences to deepen your meditation and come to a profound understanding of your Self. Complete three meditative journeys toward the pinnacle of contemplative awareness: The Infinite Pulse.
Students and teachers from all contemplative traditions are invited and encouraged to participate in the vibration of this immersive experience.
When & Where?
First Journey; The Crystallized Self with Raviinder Khalsa all day, January 29-30, 2022 9 am to 6 pm EST (Virtual on Zoom. In-person attendance TBD after New Year)
Second Journey; The Expressive Self with Gurudass Kaur all day, March 5-6, 2022 9 am to 6 pm EST (Virtual on Zoom, in person_TBD mid-February)
Third Journey; The Transcendent Self with Sat Kartar Singh all-day April 9-10, 2022 9 am to 6 pm EDT ( Virtual on Zoom and possibly in person_TBD end of March)
Healing the Inner Child Course
A 12-week course with Julia Pineda MSc & Rev. NamShakti
We will look at the inner child and learn how to identify when it’s the one ruling our lives.
Understand The Inner Child
Find The Root Cause Of Your Issues
Break Free From Emotional Blocks
Saturday, February 5th, 2022
What time?
10-12 am EST
Via Zoom
Family Constellation Facilitator Training
A 9-month Training with Julia Pineda Rivas and Rev. NamShakti
Family Constellations: An Unconventional Tool for Healing Baggage
Do you want to embark on a journey of Self-Exploration?
Would you love to extend your work to include healing inter-generational trauma?
Would you love to deepen your Shadow integration and learn to facilitate it for your clients?
Are you thinking about learning how to constellate?
The world needs more people LIKE YOU!
Who understands the importance of our Ancestors and Spiritual Healing!
Are you ready to learn how Family Constellations work? Then this training in Family Constellations is for you!
The Family Constellations Facilitator Training will provide you with a strong groundwork in the foundation of Family Constellations. You will gain the experience and the confidence to be a facilitator. It is taught from the energetic perspective of the Family Soul Energy Field.
March 2022
What time?
Via Zoom
The Spiritual Healer Training
Why a Spiritual Healer?
A Spiritual Healer is a person of High Spiritual Consciousness. They are trained in the study of Spiritual Healing, Breathing techniques, subconscious reprogramming, Yoga, Science of Mind, manifestation, Affirmative Prayer, Shamanic healing, remover of negative energy, and they have a deep relationship with the Akashic realm. Spiritual Healers are committed to serving others, licensed to practice professionally, and bound by a high code of integrity.
Do you feel the calling?
In the Spiritual Healer Training, you’ll learn how to awaken the Sovereignty Power within your being—embracing both shadow and light and embarking on your journey as an incarnation of SPIRIT on Earth!
This training will support you to unlock the keys of your Divine gifts so you can live your life without fear and manifest all you desire.
We start by healing our consciousness first, releasing trauma, and seeing our shadow and light as Divine Gifts.