Meet our Teachers!

Beant Khalsa

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Beant Singh has been practicing and teaching Kundalini Yoga since 1975.

Having experienced firsthand the dynamic, transformative effects of this sacred science he enjoys sharing these techniques with others. Beant's class is for any experience level.

Livdhyan Kaur


Livdhyan Kaur knows from experience that Kundalini Yoga is the fastest way to drop your garbage, get to know your soul, and live your highest destiny! Because it has made such amazing changes in her life, Livdhyan seeks to deliver this powerful experience to others. She is a supportive, inspiring teacher with an easy-going style and looks forward to helping you get in touch with the beauty of your own soul. Livdhyan is a Level Two (500 hrs) IKYTA certified teacher, an Associate Teacher Trainer, and Celtic and Usui Reiki Master. She offers Spiritual Path Coaching and is an Organization Development consultant in her professional sphere.

Meherbani (Marlis)


Marlis McCollum (Meherbani) has practiced kundalini yoga since 2013 and taught it since 2015. She became a teacher after discovering the benefits of this transformational yoga in her own life. A longtime meditator and spiritual seeker, she finds joy in sharing the healing power of kundalini yoga with her students.

Raviinder Kaur


Raviinder is an inspired teacher who has been sharing the technology of Kundalini Yoga and the 3HO lifestyle for 49 years. She has studied and practiced extensively including participating in Solstice retreats, Ladies Camps, White Tantric Yoga courses, lectures, and workshops.

She began teaching Kundalini Yoga in 1975 and became a KRI Certified teacher in 1996.
She is a Lead trainer residing in the Northern Virginia / DC Metro area and serves communities interested in Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training. As a member of the Aquarian Training Academy, she has completed all Level II Kundalini Yoga modules, and is currently nearing completion of ATA's Level III program; a 1000-Day commitment to personal growth; enhancing spiritual
maturity, further developing the meditative mind, and selfless service in the community.

Over the years, Raviinder has shared the teachings of Kundalini Yoga with thousands of people from all walks of life. She has taught classes in Ashrams, Health Clubs, Community Centers, Schools, Colleges and Federal Government Agencies. She brings to her teaching lifestyle practices that have been personally meaningful including yogic diet & lifestyle, yoga for health and healing, the yoga of relationships, conscious parenting, and Radiant Woman workshops, integrating the vast teachings of Kundalini Yoga.

Sat Kartar Singh

Sat Kartar Singh is a dynamic, patient, inspiring teacher who has been sharing the technology of Kundalini Yoga and Meditation since he was 20. Born in the 50’s and influenced by the events of the 60’s and early 70’s, Sat Kartar began living a Yogic lifestyle and studying Kundalini Yoga in 1973. Back then we lived communally in an Ashram so we could support each other and learn by experience.

 Sat Kartar began teaching Kundalini Yoga in 1974 and became a KRI*Certified teacher in 1996 (220 hours).  He is a Lead Trainer in the Aquarian Trainer Academy for Level 1 TT and 21 Stages of Meditation. Sat Kartar’s continuing education in Kundalini Yoga includes a daily personal practice, teaching weekly Kundalini Yoga classes, all Kundalini Yoga Level 2 modules (300 hours), and Kundalini Yoga Level 3 (700 hours). Additionally, Sat Kartar and his wife of 46 years are active members of an Ashram community in Northern Virginia. Sat Kartar currently manages the community Yoga studio, Raj Yoga Center.

  Over the years, Sat Kartar has shared the teachings of Kundalini Yoga with thousands of people of all walks of life. Sat Kartar brings to his teaching all of the aspects he has lived and practiced for many years. This includes Yogic diet & lifestyle, yoga for men, yoga for women, the yoga of relationships and marriage, Naad Yoga- the yoga of mantra and sound as well as the vast teachings of Kundalini Kriyas & Meditations. He has taught in Ashrams, Health Clubs, Jails, Community Centers, Colleges, and Universities as well as Churches, High Schools, and the Federal Government in Washington, DC. Personally, Sat Kartar Singh has shared over 20,000 hours of teaching Kundalini Yoga since 1975.

 “At a certain point in life, what you have experienced with practicing and teaching Kundalini Yoga is just dyed into the very fiber of your being” Sat Kartar Singh

           *KRI- Kundalini Research Institute.  The non-profit that protects the integrity of the teachings.

Kavalya Fateh Kaur

Kavalya Fateh is a 3HO certified Kundalini teacher and IYH certified trauma-informed yoga instructor.

Most of her training is based in Norway, and she has also received training in Thailand, New York, and Portugal.

She looks for the deepest teachers to work with. She has a background in Hatha and Ashtanga yoga and in Buddhist practices.

Her background is in education where she specializes in working with teens and adults.

She loves to play the harmonium and sing mantra. Mantra and working with the naad is an important part of her daily practice and in her classes.