Raj Yoga Center offers daily Kundalini Yoga Classes on virtual platform of Zoom. This requires you to have a Zoom account, and will be emailed the access link for the class you have registered for within an hour of its’ start time.
Ensure your web browser is up to date and you have an active/paid for account in our MindBody system.
If you’re joining us in studio, please note that mandated health and safety protocols are in place and must be adhered to:
Masks are mandatory until inside studio in the squared socially distanced outlined squares on flooring.
Temperature taken prior to admittance into studio space.
No socializing in our waiting areas, nor use of bathrooms.
No use of props or mats, water fountains.
Pre-registration and touch less check in via the MindBody app is required.
No close proximity/contact with instructor or staff personnel.
Kundalini Yoga is a powerful practice and technology that allows for profound experiences...
It was designed for these turbulent Aquarian Age times…
Unlike any other YOGA….
Kundalini Yoga is called the Yoga of Awareness. It is a dynamic, powerful technology that is designed to give you an experience beyond your physical body, to reach to that of your soul and is designed for these turbulent times.
This technology precisely and consciously sets itself apart from other formats of traditional exterior physically driven yoga formats, as it combines breath, mudra, eye-focus, mantra, body locks, and postures to balance the glandular system, strengthen the nervous system, expand lung capacity, and purify the blood. It brings balance on all levels: body, mind, and soul.
More importantly gives you the power to command and manifest, project your presence into your experiences to unfold as you desire to. Mantras and meditations are a huge component to commanding your desires into the Universe while the kriyas (exercises) allow and clear the bodies and mind to be able to have the velocity, clarity and where with all to navigate in this matrix of this technological world.
Kundalini Yoga was kept very secret until 1969 when Yogi Bhajan taught it openly in order to prepare humanity for the major changes that this planet is going through as we crossed from the Piscean to the Aquarian Age. These are exactly the times this technology was made for as you’ll notice the shift in how expedited energies and time are now versus even just a decade ago. This shift is evident when we look at the constructs of TEMPLATES...ex: old paradigms: corporate structures with hierachy-like executive levels, religions & now the political landscapes & the current pandemic of COVID-19.
The ancient technology of Kundalini Yoga gives us the mental agility, velocity and the fortitude to KEEP UP. This legacy of technical and spiritual knowledge is a true gift of technology to HEAL the world we now live in. Yogi Bhajan whom delivered these teachings to the Western world back in 1969, was light years ahead of his time and had for-seen this current condition of the world.
Today’s day and age is not only crushing the human psyche, but also is having us question our human purpose and existence. The magnitude of frequencies is causing detrimental health effects to our bodies as they were not designed to be inundated by all these electronic devices that in turn have kept us from our true DNA cravings of real human interaction and connection.
Fortunately, Kundalini gives us tools for consistent UPGRADES to our “operating systems” (minds) to KEEP UP! Even just a 3 minute breath of fire or meditation can be enough to recalibrate our nervous system. Join us today to embark & uncover your true potential and to live from your Highest Good! New students can attend Unlimited Kundalini Classes for 30 days for just $45, (see our schedule page, register for class of choice and select your package!)